Whatsit.com's Spin-Up...the original Spin-Up multi-tool
Spin-Up Screenshots
The Spin-Up Button and On-screen display
Place the cursor over the button or the optional analog clock,
or over the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
Now turn the mouse wheel to control the volume (no need to click).
Green bars show volume level, just like a TV display.
The button can control Master volume or other mixer controls.
Also supports multiple buttons.
A working analog clock button is one of the button options
that can be selected.
Clock button also displays the date and day.
Screen Capture function displays a thumbnail view of captured images.
You can view the image in actual size, and crop selected areas.
Email files just by dragging them onto the Spin-Up button.
A handy monthly calendar lets you use your own images as backgrounds.
Settings Window for MyLinks, the AMAZING program that lets you
add your own links to websites. Not just your own website, ANY website.
An example of MyLinks in use. Here I've added some new links of my own to a website.
Even the animated UFO I added is a link. Incredible!
Now for some other websites...
BigWords text enlarger. Saves your eyesight from all the tiny text on the internet.
FlashSaver saves Flash videos. Great for YouTube fans!
Audio Converter saves the audio-only portion of many video formats.
Sound Clipper for saving parts of audio files.
(Highlight a section, then use the Crop button.)
SpamMotel protects your email address. Our patented, award-winning service.
Every user gets their own SpamMotel Log Page, to keep track of all the addresses they create.
Fantastic! Bookmarks. The best bookmarking program you've ever used.
The included Spectrum Analyzer in Compact mode.
The Spectrum Analyzer in Setup mode.
The Spectrum Analyzer in Setup mode.
The Settings Window
Set mixer controls, hotkeys, change button images, etc.
Download Spin-Up Now!

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